New-age urban planning ideas to watch out for in 2022

August 1, 2022 / Urban Planning & Design

Urban planning ideas that might just redefine the future of our cities!

New age urbanism and even the foundational processes of its conceptualization are now rapidly progressing from a panoramic viewpoint. Any community or civilization is only shaped by the flow of ideas. The recent advancements of urbanism are a life-like example of how ideas can bring in a drastic shift in our way of life. Sustainable considerations should drive urban planning ideas. This is what we need to steer our cities for the better.

Cities are the growth engine that potentially churns about 80% of the global GDP. And they also remain a huge catch for fishing talents and bringing in investment. But urbanization also brings in its own challenges that need proper addressing. Widening economic inequality, alarming rates of pollution, high traffic rates that calls for the construction of new structures, transportation requirements, etc should all be addressed in order to make a city self-sufficient and sustainable. There should also be proper planning in place to create more opportunities. Only this can help the urban poor improve their lifestyle.

Innovative ideas that have taken the spotlight in recent times include:

Green planning

Urbanization is our only beacon of hope for creating enriched societies that can flourish with an abundance of growth avenues. But it is also imperative that we make way for all of these in a sustainable fashion.

Climate change and its associated complications are at the risk of pushing over 77 million urban residents below the poverty line worldwide. But what happens next and how urbanization affects the livelihood of its people is still up to us if we act smart and soon.

Cityscapes go hand-in-hand with green infrastructures that will help us thrive. Sustainability is the core foundation. Making conscious developments that are in adherence to all the green protocols is a priority. Any new corridor or public utility space can be created into a green space. Only this will help in bringing about a healthy urban living environment.

We can achieve ecosystem resilience to tackle the ever-expanding populations, availability of resources, and the impact of global climate change through this. Decarbonization should be a driving agenda for any urban planning company.

Creating green spaces like public parks will help citizens foster a connection with nature despite the high population density around.

Developing an ecosystem enriched for healthcare and accessibility

Innovative urban planning ideas

Early intervention and prevention should be the core focus of the cities to help the well-being of the citizens. If the pandemic has left us with many lessons, it is mostly the realization that any population-dense area can be put in a vulnerable spot; This is if we don’t have a localized plan of action for ensuring the well-being of the citizens. It holds true even in the case of health care emergencies or a mass outbreak.

There should be a developed ecosystem where healthcare reaches beyond the walls of a hospital. We need proper urban planning interventions in place. This will ensure that the urban communities remain in a safe and hygienic environment.

The ’15-minute’ city

At YCSPL, we’ve handled urban planning projects of higher scales, and here’s a look at the insights from the insider on why we need 15-minute cities.

A decentralized urban development model will ensure citizens find every amenity by taking a 15-minute walk. This will help us indirectly towards sustainability. This is because they negate the need for driving a bike or car for longer distances; thereby reducing our net carbon emissions. These localized neighborhoods will harbor a better sense of connection among the residents. It also instills a sense of community within them. Hyper localization should be our goal for the near future. We should plan our developments revolving around this.

Planning inclusive developments

Cities witness the influx of mass migration of populations from diverse backgrounds. These localities should be the premise where we fight inequalities. This will create a society that is driven by a sense of belonging. It is also fundamental that will create a level-playing field for the masses to create equal opportunities.  Communal coexistence and economic inclusion are why cities started getting their popularity in the first place.

Inclusive developments should include the consideration of people to make every amenity accessible as we go about urban planning. Gender-neutral bathrooms, wheelchair amenities along with ramps in the common places, accessible spaces for the elderly, etc are all important. You should consider these before beginning the construction of any new infrastructural developments. This will help create social justice among the citizens which will there again enhance their overall happiness quotient.

Cyber security and privacy awareness

We started bracing up the past decade to tackle any health crisis. Cities are more or less successfully getting through it all. But the core concern is data privacy and gearing up cities to safeguard themselves against any imminent cyber-attacks. Because data is now the most precious commodity of the cities.

You need security experts 24/7 who can potentially identify, detect and mitigate any invasive data attacks. This is especially handy to take care of any new key development. (like public wifis or free hotspots in common areas)

Urbanization and digital dependency have made cities highly interconnected. They are complex environments with a need for a lot of upgrades and eventual enhancements. Data privacy should be a core consideration during the deployment of any new innovative structures.

There is a whole new avenue of urban planning ideas. All of them need proper planning along with the consideration of all the surrounding factors.

What does your city mean to you? How far would you go to save the future of it? The stakes of urbanization are at their peak but so should the society’s commitment toward sustainability.

Here’s a quick gist at some of the urban planning projects that we have handled at YCSPL with one core purpose – to create futuristic cities that will turn heads globally!

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